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How to install and initiate IRAF in Ubuntu/Mac OS [deprecated]
How to install and initiate IRAF in Ubuntu/Mac OS [deprecated]
Note: This article is deprecated. Please refer to the new version for the latest tutorial. 0. Introduction to IRAF IRAF (Image Reduction and Analysis Facility) is a general purpose software system for the reduction and analysis of astronomical data. IRAF is licensed under a MIT style license. The software was written by the National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO) in Tucson, Arizona. ......
清平樂 傅煜銘 己亥年六月初三作於萊頓司馬樓 積勞目眩,未醉身先亂。 卻看飛禽躇步慢,偷取閒暇日半。 極高夏晝頗長,遲歸久候斜陽。 但喜花喧草鬧,河風吹作蘇杭。 ......
How's the weather tonight?
Although astronomers do not study meteorology, some of them, especially observers, may pay close attention to the weather. Factors such as temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, cloud coverage, have great influence on the observation activity. We have also known a lot about the significance of good seeing, low sky brightness and so on. ......
Extend disk volume with Ubuntu LVM
Extend disk volume with Ubuntu LVM
Be careful with your disk when reading this note and similar ones. Think twice before you take action. Introduction to LVM LVM (Logical Volume Manager) is a powerful tool for logical volume management on Linux systems. Since version 12.10, Ubuntu has introduced LVM support in the installation process. ......