
A list of my publications can be found in this ADS library.

Selected papers:

  • Yuming Fu, Xue-Bing Wu, Yifan Li, Yuxuan Pang, Ravi Joshi, et al. “CatNorth: An Improved Gaia DR3 Quasar Candidate Catalog with Pan-STARRS1 and CatWISE”. In: ApJS 271.2, 54 (Apr. 2024). DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/ad2ae6. PDF.

  • Yuming Fu, Xue-Bing Wu, Linhua Jiang, Yanxia Zhang, Zhi-Ying Huo, et al. “Finding Quasars behind the Galactic Plane. II. Spectroscopic Identifications of 204 Quasars at ∣b∣ < 20°”. In: ApJS 261.2, 32 (Aug. 2022). DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/ac7f3e. PDF.

  • Yuming Fu, Xue-Bing Wu, Qian Yang, Anthony G. A. Brown, Xiaotong Feng, et al. “Finding Quasars behind the Galactic Plane. I. Candidate Selections with Transfer Learning”. In: ApJS 254.1, 6 (May 2021). DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/abe85e. PDF.

  • Jun-Jie Jin, Xue-Bing Wu, Yuming Fu, Su Yao, Yan-Li Ai, et al. “The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) Quasar Survey: Quasar Properties from Data Releases 6 to 9”. In: ApJS 265.1, 25 (Mar. 2023). DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/acaf89. PDF.

  • Qinchun Ma, Xue-Bing Wu, Huapeng Gu, Yuhan Wen, and Yuming Fu. “The H𝛼 Broadband Photometric Reverberation Mapping of Four Seyfert 1 Galaxies”. In: ApJ 949.1, 22 (May 2023), DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/acc4c1. PDF.


  • Yuming Fu. “Synergies Between Euclid and CSST in Galaxy and AGN Surveys: Indications from the First Euclid Data”. In: Galaxies & AGN with the first Euclid data and beyond, 2024, Bologna, Italy. Slides (only accessible to EC members).